
911! emergency beauty tips +fixes

covering a black eye:
-if you have yellow, yellow/green, or light green concealer, put some over the bruised area with your finger, smoothing out and going onto the alright skin.
-let dry and repeat, if necessary.
-put a little over/under the other eye, to match.
-let dry, then put liquid foundation over this, careful not to rub in too much +/or dissipate the concealer.
-when foundation is dry, brush on powder, then light reflecting finisher.

-put white (or light) *•.shimmery.•* eye shadow on your lids up to your brow (or however high you want)
-put white eyeliner in your waterline (if it doesn't hurt/ make your eyes water too bad)
-put black eyeliner on.
-&&& MASS mascara.



is my absolute FAVOURITE.
i stopped wearing it (at work) because i thought it seemed childish; **but**

the trend is back
&& i'm THRILLED!!!

but why am i blogging about this?
because it's a fabulous trend for housewives, homemakers, && womankind in general.

but WHY?!?!
because sparkle glitter nail varnish does not chip ((as readily)) as regular polishes. i assume (scientifally, of course) that this anomoly is due to the rough texture the glitter provides.

and ladies, it looks awesome!!!

truly: this is the most fantastic beauty (trend) breakthrough since waterproof mascara!



GOOD VENTILATION is the key to keeping your bathroom fresh, clean, and mold & mildew free. Always turn your fan on before you start running water for a bath or shower and LEAVE IT ON for 20 mins - half an hour after you're done to adequately remove excess humidity from the air.
This will keep mold off your ceiling, windowsills, bathtub or shower stall, and other disgusting places it likes to live.

Believe me- it's much easier to turn on a fan than to scrub mold off bathroom surfaces.

PAMPERS: strawberry facial masque

STRAWBERRIES are a wonderful natural astringent.

to make a soothing, cleansing homemade facial:

blend together the following ingredients for a simple and effective facial treatment:
half tsp lemon juice
full tsp honey
half cup strawberries
one egg white

apply to freshly washed face. let set for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water.

don't forget...

i can come clean YOUR house.

visit our website. CLICK HERE




to keep the pests away...
CINNAMON repels ants! spread some- either sprinkled or in a paste w/ water- where you think they are coming in; around the edges of your counters; around your sugar canister(s); around your fruit bowl; anywhere to keep them away!!!

to keep houseflies out of your house even when the door's open, hang PLASTIC BAGGIES FILLED W/ WATER (about 1/2 to 2/3 full) from a string and attach above doorway. Put a few pennies in each baggie. This also works great to keep them away when you're eating outside.
((...this keeps flies away because they are afraid of the moving reflections.))

there are also some great hints to keep away pests on this website.



if you're running low on glass & window cleaner, don't rush out to the store!!
to stretch the bottle you're working with, add 1 part (white) vinegar to 1 part water (use distilled water or pure vinegar for hard water areas).